Saturday, March 29, 2014

Noah And The Whale

"When a director with religious views makes a movie for a political view, the audience is the one who suffers."  - Rueuhy (just now said that)

*************   Spoiler Alerts   **************

1.  Lot's of water.
2.  Noah is a killer
3.  Emma Watson is British.  Sort of....

Slow down, take a deep breath, and let that one sink in a bit.  I'm talking about the all new, blockbusting, epic, world event/movie called Noah.  Feel the excitement as you remember the first time you heard the story and then scratch your head as Mr. Darren Aronofsky, a proclaimed atheist, takes a well-known biblical story and virtually rapes it.  Within minutes I was confused as this director takes his artistic driver's license and commits cinematic homicide.

Now, what does one expect watching a biblical story from the Hollywood point of view?  I can honestly say I went into the movie with that knowledge.  I understood that there would be some embellishment on a story that takes less than a page or two from the bible.  I understood that.  What I saw was a tribute to Mother Nature and rock like creatures who just happened to be called "watchers" and looked like poor imitations of transformers. Please note ** spoiler alert - there are scenes stolen from Roland Emmerich's blockbuster 2012 - World gets flooded and most of mankind gets wiped out except for the fortunate few who survived on a ark.  I will tell you this - if you're in the mood for an apocalyptic tale, rent the movie 2012.  It's actually more enjoyable and closer to the source material.  On the previous matter of an atheist instructing us on the ills of man destroying creation and mistreating it and then making an anti-believer's film using one of their best known stories taught in most bible schools for infants and toddlers, than this movie is for you.  If you like the climate change/earth cooling/global warming/greenhouse gas/cattle flatulence is killing us/get rid of coal, oil, and gas and plug your car in type of stories than this is still a sad piece of cinematic story telling.  I'll be honest - towards the end I understood how the inhabitants of the world came to have different accents. Between Emma Watson's character, who happens to give birth to twin girls fathered by her brother, having that unique British accent but was actually born in Paris, France to Russell Crowe portraying a loving father/loving botanist/and homicidal maniac having that unique Irish/welch accent, it was all evidently clear.   I could have sworn I heard a flower child sitting in the back of the theater laughing hysterically to herself. This was a blatant attempt to promote a pagan view of the story of Noah and cast it in a light of humanity's evil towards the planet "creation" and not the actual basis of the story of man turning from God.  Throughout the movie, references are made of God leaving the world and letting man play out his role alone.  It is not one of God's love but rather of God's indifference to his creation from the angels to the lowest of shrubs. In other words God is a God of indifference to a creation he took time to make but just left it like an abandoned after school science project.  That is, until the end when the rainbow (sort of) shows up and we get a collective "awwwwweeeeee" from the audience.  The movie is hypocritical to itself on many levels.  Which is the beauty of using a biblical tale in re-enforcing a non-believer's political agenda.  Mother Earth would be better off without that old religious creation of God's creation of man. Mankind should hate itself for hurting what obviously holds higher esteem in God's eyes.  Which is hypocritical from the point of "What's the point, God?"  If the director would have continued reading after the story of Noah he might have been enlightened on God's actual point of creation.  My personal opinion is Man came last as a culmination of God's love.  Creation, light, angels, water, plants, birds, mammals, and then His image.  Creation was created in anticipation of God's greatest creation - man.  In the movie, without actually saying it, man becomes little less than a glorified farmhand in the creation.  And then man, because he is senseless and directionless without God's presence, (he's been silent to man and rock-like angelic beings as well", so poor creation becomes a barren wasteland because man is inherently inherent.  It's God's fault for not paying closer attention.  Creation, once this beautiful, wondrous, paradise is laid waste to a directionless, evil mankind.  And, from the director's point of view, we are at that point again.  Man killing man and beast.  Man destroying the creation (again) with his pollution and greenhouse gases.  My question is - should we take out the cattle first?  Flatulence is far more evil in the greentology ethics of this dear director's political anthology.  If another cow never farted, or another car ever driven, would this suffice?

To summarize - I didn't like this movie from the political, religious, or entertainment quality angle of this movie.  There were moments in the movie I was just looking around at the light fixtures in the theater.  There were also moments when I thought "Should I get some Milk Dud's or would that ruin the popcorn taste?"  There were other moments when I was yawning a lot.  Then there were moments I wanted to yell "Hey, what's Hannibal Lector doing performing miracles?" but I didn't.  Because I'm not like the director.  I have a little common decency and I actually like good movies.  Note to director - Just because you hate doesn't mean you have to disrespect the 88% of people in Cyprus who believe in God.  Or what about the 92% in Romania?  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  For your pagan or atheistic viewpoints, please email me at

Monday, March 24, 2014

Crimea River

"The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come."   Revelation 17 verse 8 (NIV translation)

Before I get into the heart and soul of this post, let me begin by saying I am not a prophet.  I do not want to make a current event comparison to an end times revelation.  I have studied the bible and I do believe the bible.  But I do not consider myself an authority on the bible.  But, every once in awhile, I see a connection.  I'm not quite ready to start my own cult but I do see a possibility of a connection.  And if the bible teaches us anything in the book of Revelation, it is this - keep watch for no one knows when it ends.  For we really do not know, or should we know, when that last day or week or month will come for all of us.  And I say "or should we know" because that would take out all the fun of living, right?  To actually know you have 426 hours left.  Or 50 years.  It would surely change the way you live and interact with others, right?  Some would sit quietly in their rooms in a state of despair.  Others would party like it's 1999 (which I didn't even do when it was December 31st, 1999).  We all would handle it differently and probably chaotically.  So, it's probably all for the best that we don't know that magical calender date. 

But a weird thing happened last night.  I woke up around 3:30 very thirsty.  Which is not uncommon.  I love a drink of water in the middle of the night.  It's cool and refreshing.  But shortly afterwards I checked my phone and twitter.  (Yes, I tweet now but I will never twerk.)  And I saw on my feed a story from a Mr. Hilliker about Argentina.  And Russia.  After reading the article about Russia establishing bases within South America and following the expansion of Russia into Crimea/Ukraine, Here's a link to that article.    I started thinking about the USSR and the power they had.  The collapse and division of the old bear into individual territories.  The once powerful USSR had literally died.  And any remnant of the communist super power could still be seen in Russia.  Or at least that's the way it appeared to me.  

And now, after all these years (the USSR formally dissolved December 26th, 1991), we see Russia re-establishing itself.  In fact, in their usual comical way, The Onion Newsletter explains it the best in a link I've listed below.  I must admit I laughed and cried at the same time. ,35584/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Pic:1:Default

So, after pondering such thoughts, the verse I included at the beginning of the post lunged out at me.  And I'm not saying that prophecy is being fulfilled by the expansion of Russia.  And I'm not saying that Russia is the beast.  But I am saying that that the world is a crazy place and some beasts, when they rear their heads, shouldn't be ignored.  As an american, of the norther hemisphere variety, I feel that perhaps our President is a little out of his element when he speaks of specific sanctions against specific people in Russia.  Sometimes, on the world stage, someone has to go up to the toddler and tell him nap time is over.  It's time to put away the golf clubs and put off the next vacation to China or Hawaii.  There's a new kid in town who's played this game before. Actually he's no new kid.  Seems pretty adult to me.  And the old team seems a lot smarter and mature.  God help us.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  To reach the customer service please email them at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

If You Like Your Soul You Can Keep Your Soul. Period.

Not recently, the President of the United States, Baroken Obama (I hope I spelled that right) told us a few times if we liked our healthcare plan we could do something with it.  I think he mentioned we could keep it. I'm not sure.  I'd have to go back and re-watch the 60+ times he said it to be sure. But that's old news (according to liberal sources) and that's not really fair using his own words to re-inforce my own ideology.  What is my ideology(?) you may ask?  Well, it's simple.  I like having a soul.  Now, before you get your tutu all wrinkled, let me explain.  I've noticed that some of you feel that my little rants through this post can be a little one sided. And that's true.  It's my side of things.  For decades, with little opposition, the liberal view of politics and the ideology of the three big networks - NBC, ABC, and CBS were able to spew their poison in any direction they choose.  Then a new beast reared its poisonous head to do battle with the existing powerhouse and we saw the creation of a "fair and balanced" network called Fox.  The audiences began to dwindle for the big three.  Others cropped up to spew their poisonous venom as well.  Cable news networks became abundant across the land and new heroes were born.  John Stewart. Bill Maher. Heck, now we have little Jimmy "the" Fallon hob nobbin with the greats like Michelle "eats them veggies" Obama.  The airwaves are full of regulated unregulated nonsense coming at us in all directions.  News networks and cable shows run 24/7 spewing out as much hate and rhetoric as you could possibly want.  And now, thanks to Al "the god" Gore, and his invention of the internet, even guys like me can ramble on.  And people like you, who still want to read even more, take the time to read these posts.  You are a hearty group of lads and lasses.  Recently, one comment came through my internet to inform me that I can be a little one-sided in my writing.  I am, I suppose.  I have a tough time giving one second of one minute of rationale to that which goes against my very being.  To see the other side seems to be useful only in crafting our individual argument against the opposing view.  To rationalize it, or give time to opposition, has been playing out for so long and we swim in it.  My opinion is un-apologetically, and irrevocably, mine.  It is what it is. And I do what I do.  And the time for apologizing for trying to make some common sense out of the refuse that gets thrown in every direction left on the train bound for political correctness has long departed.  Here's the thing - this is war.  For many of you the old cliche's and arguments have become so integrated into your movies, music, and television shows that you aren't seeing how much of a casualty you really are.  In your heart you know certain things are just wrong. But you listen to that intellectual, who just happens to portray some buffoon in the recent blockbuster, and you think - well, maybe they have a point.  But deep inside of you there is a wee' bit of common sense shouting from deep within yelling obscenities at you to prevent the total collapse of your soul.  You yearn for all the nonsense to end but you have this overwhelming desire to be "entertained".  Life is hard and we need our escapes.  We build and we laugh.  We paint and we sing.  We just want the human side of ourselves to be human.  But we listen as well.  We watch that tear jerker of a movie that tells us, even though their lifestyle is an aberration and abhorrent in the eyes of the One we proclaim to be God, it is pretty sad they can't just marry and love each other.  Or we listen to some hard beating, rhythmic, profanity labeled rap or punk or in simple terms - junk, and we excuse the lyrics because the garbled message is cool and hip.  And somewhere deep inside you feel a little slice of your soul eerily screaming as it lays their in its own pool of morality and righteousness.   The worst part, of which I've been guilty just as much as you, is the quiet we share in.  "Let them talk their trash on the news shows.  What can I say?  What difference can I make?"  Without saying a word you're making all the difference in the world.  For the world isn't working so well right now is it?  The young slaughter each other in the streets while the parents work to make payments on the newest car or lightest ipad.  The old sleep in their own piss while someone who makes a dollar or more over minimum wage takes a smoke break before they have to get back in and continue to nurse your grandma in that nursing home.   We allow the horrendous to occur (and I'm just as guilty or even more guilty of these sins) because we just can't fight what the world has made us.  The socially acceptable, anti-inflammatory, politically correct, weak, ego and pride-driven, clueless, well-informed by the propagandists, socially decayed empty husks of humanity we have become.  I guess I try to see everything and try to understand it and then try to put it into my own words because I'm sick of being sick of it.  My words and opinions try to make sense of the reality and I really can't accept the acceptance.  I inherently know, deep within, that my world isn't simple.  And I can see too much.  And I just have to punch those letters on the keyboard.  I can't be silent.  My fingers can't be still.  I like my soul and I want to keep it.  Period.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Email me at to tell me how wrong I am.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

At Least We Had 238 Good Years

We live in exciting times.  I grew up in exciting times. You'd think I could be a little more calm about the improvements Obama recently made on his golf handicap but surprisingly I'm not.  Before I saw the image above, I used to have a favorite image of what peace felt like. The image was one I learned from a story I heard a decade or two ago.  A king wanted the artists of the land to paint the most perfect illustration of peace.  As word spread many artists picked up the brushes and began to paint images of fields of flowers or calm blue skies.  After many months the king strolled through the courtyard with the best and brightest examples of his loyal countrymen's paintings. The king noted the immense talent and range of beauty and calm on display.  But there was one painting in particular that the king could not look away from. The artist had portrayed a stormy picture of a cliff side with ocean waves crashing into the rock wall.  Peals of lightning were shown as the rain pummeled the landscape.  In the center, in the midst of this raging storm, was a young mother bird sitting in the middle of a small nest located within a large crevice.  The mother, ever dutifully, was positioned in front of her young brood as the storm raged on. "This is the one." the king pronounced. "If ever there was an example of peace, it can only be found when the storm rages on."  That story has stuck with me ever since I heard it so many years ago.  And so, if we look towards the horizon, on the grand politically toxic world stage, we can hear the waves crashing against the rocks.  The peals of lightning and thunder come as the world leaders embrace their moment of power and fame.  The world is not silent and the danger can be seen if one merely has the courage and discernment to acknowledge it.  The old fierce dragon is doing battle with the cunning panda.  The bear struggles with the boastful eagle as the bear's territory increases.  And in the midst of it all, a man continues his round of golf as the villagers ask "Where is thy king?" .  For the difference between my story of old and the man golfing in Florida is immense.  The mother bird, in the first story, clings to her hatchlings protecting them.  Ever alert to the danger that her surroundings inflict on her brood, the mother stands vigilante in the face of the storm.  The fledglings feel secure in the nest as they feel the assurance from their mother that their safety is the highest priority in their mother's agenda.  For us, under the care of our mother president, we can feel the storm surrounding us yet do not see our mother.  Her interests can be found within her own seclusion from the hatchlings on a million dollar getaway to promote another government program and catch a few rounds of golf.  Did I mention he was playing golf?  As a newly independent Crimean Peninsula detaches itself from freedom to go back into the folds of the new, yet somehow old, mother Russia, the world stands at bay watching as the President of the United States takes yet ANOTHER vacation.  Somewhere, in the distance, a retired KGB officer, snickers to himself.  "Let them dream of being American Idols or the Next Top Model.  Let these americans fight over LGBT rights.  Let them continue to kill off millions of babies and give away birth control.  The old ways are still the best."  So, if the Russian excursion into the Ukraine is not enough to hinder Obama's vacation schedule, what is?  I can imagine, if there was a crisis that would hold back Michelle and O' from tee and tea time, it would probably be closer to November.  Because, in the big scheme of things, November elections are the only crisis that hold them spellbound.  That's when he'll fight for you and me.  When it matters. When it's an election.  Forget Russia, Ukraine, Benghazi, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, Egypt, Syria, or the might of China, the only thing that seems to keep one mother bird close to the nest is her liberal agenda.  Thank goodness she's got her her mom's jeans all folded and packed aboard Air Force One.  You never know when some critical campaign stop will override the next conflict on the greens.  I can only hope his sand traps didn't involve another Arabian Peninsula or middle east province.  People - we're in trouble.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Email me at to really let me know how you feel.

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Numbers Game

Population, population, population.  It really is about the numbers isn't it?  I, personally, live in a state that has one county (Cook County) that dominates the other 101 counties.  As per the previous census in 2010, Chicago/Cook County's population was 5,194,675.  The entire state was 12,830,632.  So, using a quick, non-scientific method of calculation - Cook County is our boss on election night.  Whether it's the governor's race or the Presidential race, Cook County has a pretty big say in how we are represented.  Now, for most of us, in the state of Illinois, we understand this discrepancy and try to live our lives downstate with the few scraps the state government throws to us.  But, for those of you who studied the state capitals in grade school, the confusion lies in the mobile location of the state capitol which seems to shift from Springfield to Chicago at the whim of those who govern our state.  Springfield is the permanent location of our capitol building.  Most of us in Illinois understand that most decisions really come out of the state capital which is primarily mobile based upon the current election cycle.  For example, we always know when it's an election year, or run up to an election year, when we get visits "down state" by our governor.  Sure, every once in a while he shows up in Springfield (our designated capitol location) if he feels that the upcoming election specifies his need to "fight for the people".  But, for someone who "fights for the people", he will not usually be found in the state capitol after 5 pm.  He will be en route to his "alternate" home in Chicago.  Which seems to be a waste of the taxpayer's money keeping up a residence as grand as the Governor's Mansion in Springfield.  Now, for those of you keeping tabs on capitol versus capital, capitol (with an "o") signifies the location of a building that seats the government.  And capital (with an "a") designates where the money is.  It's really that simple.  So, why do I bring all of this up?  Why waste your time and mine thinking upon such suffrage?  Well, it's simple. It has to do with California.  There is currently a petition circulating in the great state of California that would allow a bill to be put forward dividing California into six states.  There is no actual bill up for a vote but there is the potential for it if enough signatures are signed on the petition.  Six mini Californias.  The breakdown of California, by county, shows similarities between Illinois and California.  The biggest county, Los Angelos, has 9,818,605 people. The entire state has a population of 37,253,956 as per the 2010 census count.  The county of Los Angelos has the numbers over the rest of the state at a ratio of almost 1:4.  The county that comes in second on the numbers game is San Diego with 3,095,313.  Geographically, these two make up a small chunk in the actual land mass California amasses.  But politically, they have a pretty good say in the way California, and the rest of the United States, decided who will be President of the United States.  What is even scarier is the minority leader in the House of Representatives comes from a small dot geographically in the county map of California from the great county of San Francisco.  Ms. Pelosi, who infamously decided that a bill couldn't be understood unless a legislative body passed it, heralds from this small land mass.  The county itself, is home to 805,235 people.  But to be fair, a few of them already had health insurance.  Some did not.  So, in the grand scheme of things, 805,235 people need to leave my country.  Just kidding of course.  No, the point is, these two states, Illinois and California, are similar in the political dynamics of their people, and the geographical misrepresentation of the rural counties suffer.  Is it time for Illinois to depart from Cook county?  Is it time for California to divide into 6 smaller states?  I would have to agree.  It sure would change the dynamics of the next elections, wouldn't you say? My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Viva, revolucion!  If you have insults or accolades please email me at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Obama And The History Books

Fast forward - one thousand years.  A young student sits alone in a small cubicle with a single cord plugged into the lower-rear base of his skull.  His eyes are partially open but one can determine rapid movement as the data is transferred to the young man.  In a world run by technology, this child is receiving 12 years of education within an hour of human data transfer connection.  Sitting in close proximity, in a similar cubicle, an elderly man, who recently received a partial brain transplant, is re-learning basic social engineering requirements as a part of his reintroduction into the social network he took temporary absence from due to injuries suffered from a high-speed human railway transport accident.  He is receiving basic and advance treatments which will take two hours compared to the single hour the young man next to him will require.  All residents of the north east quadrant of their hemisphere receive the same basic and advanced data transfers without the ancient outdated methods deemed "in-human" two centuries ago by the quadrant leaders.  The old formula, based upon classrooms set in an institutional method of group organizational teaching, was so archaic and tortuous, the Quadrant Bretheran only mention it behind closed doors in order to protect the masses from falling prey to the "old ways".  After the fall of mankind, taught briefly in the history section of the data transfers, always equated the mass-sufferings of the people were the result of the institutional settings prevalent in the early to mid twentieth centuries.  In that same history section, every record of civilizations of man, deemed historically accurate by the Quadrant Bretheran, gives a brief synopsis of the accomplishments and failures of each prevalent civilization.  The "freedom" period, established in the late 1700's and evolving into the pre-social periods, gives an account of the self-awareness of people and the destruction of social experimentation which started with the group known as the "Fore-Fathers".  In direct violation of nobility and royalty, these men coordinated treasonous steps to form a government with the delusions of liberty and freedom.  In the gravest of plunders and self-worth, the Fore-Fathers fostered a mentality of individual achievement and prosperity while allowing an alternative group, the "poor needy" to suffer in sickness and hunger.  The states which grew from the uprising of the Fore-Fathers would grow into a dominating world power which was deemed the richest in wealth accumulation until the rise of a leader who saw the potential for a social integration of all men as fulfilled by the new world under the control of equal dispensary found under the might of the Quadrant Bretheran.  The one known as President Barack Obama, saw past the individual exploitation of weakness as opposed to strength and employed unilateral changes so significant that these changes were pivotal in bringing the madness of "freedom and liberty" to a better understanding of the first groups to successfully initiate social programs such as universal healthcare and collapse of wealth markets which incited bigoted classing of humans. Terms such as "peace and prosperity" would later be deemed in violation of "The Rules" which caused too much confusion for the masses.  New terms would be necessary for the lives of the residents of the quadrants and the Quadrant Bretheran would assume necessary power to govern the masses and true peace would be found for the populaces.  The equal distribution of products and services would no longer be hindered by any type of individual wealth or accommodation of privilege.  All classes would be dissolved for the necessity of governing the masses and history would become an interpretation of the evolution of man as the Quadrant Bretheran deemed necessary.  This was the data deemed worthy of transfer to new and old students alike.  And all of this history, and the tens of millions of bits of data including video and written transcripts, required ten minutes of data transfer.  The conditioning of the human mind and soul had found the ultimate platform of streamlining.  The Quadrant Bretheran, in late night discussions behind those closed doors, would never comprehend the unruliness and disillusionment of their predecessor's masses.  They would always have to wonder.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Please email me at (if you must).