Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hiding The Elephant Behind The Curtains

If you're like me you love a good potato(e).  Especially if the skin is buttered and salted with a few spices.  Fresh butter and a hint (don't empty the bottle) of chives.  Now I prefer to allow the butter to penetrate past the starches and envelope the entire tuber until the two have become one.  Once the butter has completely saturated the inside delicacy, a dab of sour cream is required.  A potato, baked to perfection, if large enough, is enough for me.  I didn't always prefer a potato.  When I was completing my youth, being fed by my mother in her simple kitchen, baked potatoes were never my favorite.  Actually they still aren't.  But my tastes have changed and I enjoy them now.  If I have a choice between pizza or a baked potato, obviously I'm going for the pizza.  It's my nature.  There is something about a well-cheesed pizza.  I prefer Canadian bacon with mushrooms but I'll endure a pepperoni if I must.  Because I've learned to adapt.  Pizza is just alright with me.  I never thought I would enjoy a Hawaiian style but I find the pineapple an intriguing topping. If the juice is held to a minimum, pineapple is a topping that mingles with the sauce and cheese and creates a delightful alternative to the normal selection.  I also enjoy a warm, freshly grilled burger with american cheese.  I usually prefer the tomato to float in a sea of ketchup and mustard.  Lettuce is a nice compliment to the toppings but cheese and ketchup are the minimum requirements for me.  So why do I oppose the policies of the current Executive Administration holding the reins of government in our present time?  Because I'm not a big fan of curry turkey.  Let me explain.  Growing up in a small, one room kitchen, my mother was always talking about meals.  "I guess I should get started on supper." was heard so many times by myself and my siblings that I think we considered it background noise.  Like the soft hum of a dryer totally balanced.  You know the clothes are drying but you don't realize how nice the balanced load is until a couple of shoes are thrown in every once in a while.  I still remember hearing the shoelaces drag and the thud as the shoe almost made it to the top but would fall to the bottom of the drum.  So our mother, rest her soul (she's still alive and well but she did raise four children in a one room kitchen), would talk about the upcoming meal and we would sort of listen.  Every once in a while, she wouldn't mention the meal.  That's how we knew she was preparing something like liver and onions.  Or my least favorite in my childhood - curry turkey.  It was a simple meal that contained turkey and some type of yellowish sauce with curry.  We were Hispanic by nature (and heritage) so I never really figured out why we were eating curry but it is what it is.  The curry never really fit in with the hamburgers or the tacos.  I don't really remember what we had with the baked potatoes but we did live in a rural area with a grandpa that used to grow potatoes. So we always had a supply of potatoes.  I remember walking barefoot through the pasture to the old shack where we kept the potatoes.  There were spiders and snakes and other wildlife so maybe that's why I wasn't so thrilled about potato night.  Mom would handle me a shovel and tell me the snakes were my friends.  I guess this prepared me mentally for kindergarten but what's a ten year old to do.  So I guess the Obamacare, minimum wage, immigration, and the countless other initiatives that the administration desire are a lot like potato night.  Or turkey curry night.  Even though my mom didn't give us a lot of hoopla over her preparations of the turkey curry she would serve it.  We would stare at it.  We would ask "What is this?" and hope she would surprise us with something else.  Or we would look at the liver on liver and onion night and feel a hopelessness.  So I guess, after many years my tastes have changed.  I haven't had turkey curry for a few decades and my nose still turns up listening to liver frying on a grill but baked potatoes can be good with enough butter and sour cream.  But somethings will always be liver.  Or turkey curry.  No matter how many years of talking about it or not talking about it will never change the bitterness.  Or the sound of a shoe thumping in the dryer.  Somethings will always be annoying and stink up the kitchen.  And no matter how many times I was offered turkey curry in my youth I never changed my mind about it.  I prefer pizza.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. If you have recipes for turkey curry or liver and onions please email them to me at

Monday, January 20, 2014

Caduffles And Why You Should Know

I was answering a dear friend's email several minutes ago and suddenly, from out of no where, I found a new word.  I'm not talking about rummaging through my trusty Webster's dictionary either.  I totally just came up with a new word.  I present to you ... caduffle.  Now, if only for my own amusement, I will give you a sample sentence and then allow you, the reader, to ascertain the true meaning of the word.  "Even though Jeffries had initiated the procedure, Stephanie found herself in a complete caduffle."  As you can see, it works on several different levels.  Someone made a huge mistake and it was so extraordinary that "huge mistake" just doesn't cover it?  Try using caduffle to describe it.  It would surely shorten some broadcast news reports.  "And now we go to Ann for the latest on the I-54 traffic caduffle.  Ann, what's going on down there?"  Or when the boss is asking you why 2000 roaches escaped the laboratory and just yells "Jim, what the caduffle is going on?"  Or someone cuts you off on your drive in to work?  A simple shout of "Caduffle" replaces many of the profanities in use today.  As we continue to broaden our capacity for laziness isn't it time to just replace some of the old complacent words that just won't go away?  Caduffle is, in it's own simplicity, a cornucopia of possibilities. Your best friend asks you over for coffee and spills her guts about a torrid affair and now her husband has found out?  What do you say?  How do you respond?  A simple "Well, that's a real caduffle your in, isn't it?"  Or the co-worker who just found out that he has six-months to live and you didn't even realize they still work in the same office building?  A firm but consoling "Life is really full of caduffles, isn't it?" will go a long way upon bumping into them after finding out.   The true genius of such a word is just how simple caduffle is really.  It could replace a bunch of words in sports.  "Wait a second Steve, there seems to be a caduffle down in the endzone. Penalty flags everywhere."  Or "If they don't contain the defensive caduffle, the home team won't have much to celebrate tonight, will they Jay?"  Even the game of golf could find it's usefulness.  "Jamie lines up the put but caduffle's it.  That is quite the shame, isn't Bob?"  As I've used it tonight I realize just how easy caduffle could be integrated into society today. Even in the world of weather forecasting the implications are enormous.  "Today's forecast, highs in the mid 30's with a chance of caduffles later on in the afternoon."  Even children could use the word when parents ask them about their latest test. "I'm sorry Mom.  I really caduffled it.  I'll do better next time."  And let's not forget the entertainment industry.  "This program is rated PG-13 for some language and caduffles."  Or that friendly bashing at the water cooler - "I heard Jennie was caught caduffling the whole thing.  She won't last here."  Even product names could find a use for the new word.  "Presenting the all new, state of the art product from Renco.  The Caduffler.  No more tangled fuss.  No more hours of primping.  For 5 easy payments of $19.95 you get The Caduffler and over 59 attachments.  But wait!  There's more.  If you order two Caduffler's you get the third one for the unbelievable price of .... $1. That's right. Three Caduffles for the price of two. Order now. Quantities are limited."  So there you have it.  A truly original word.  Caduffle. And you heard it here first.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this caduffling blog.  If you have questions or concerns about someone in your life who may be considering caduffling, please email me at  Remember, only you can prevent caduffles.

At Her Bedside With Tears

I love to read news articles.  It's what I do.  I feel this undeniable thirst to know what's going on around me.  Even as painful as it may be, I just have to know.  It's not that I don't trust individuals - people, as individuals, I believe, for the most part, are good.  It's when they get together in groups that I find people disquieting.  People, grouped together and allowed to discuss "things", have the potential to do the most good but also the most bad.  One single, off the cuff remark, can start a movement or mayhem.  I am just as guilty, as anyone else, of promoting good and bad.  My words, upon reflection, have a profound impact upon myself and I'm sure, in talks with others, have been the fuel for some unnecessary fires.  Words are the most powerful weapon ever used in destroying moral or moving men beyond their believed capability.  I must be careful.  I should know better.  So, I'm reading a news article in my morning emails when I'm directed to a story about welfare fraud.  The use of debit, or EBT cards, as issued by state authority, are being misused in other states such as Florida (at Disney World) and Nevada (Las Vegas).  Their point of origin are from other states such as Maine and California.  All 50 states can show misuse of these cards but "watcha gonna do?"  It is in human nature to take advantage of the generosity of "the state" if the state's gonna be so generous. After reading the article I read a couple of comments from other readers, to my wife, and then reflected upon what the article meant for me and my country.  You see, I love my country.  Even though we have problems (huge problems actually) I still love her.  The United States was founded upon ideals and notions which were extraordinary in their day and remain just as extraordinary today.  The idea of liberty and freedom is just a potent to a middle aged man as it is to a young man or old man.  Or to an elderly woman or young debutante.   The only ones who feel liberty isn't ideal are the ones who hold the keys to the jail cells or the authority of power.  Liberty has never mixed well with totalitarianism.  Even monarchists frown upon such thinking.  So I was reflecting upon how much I really love this country and how it came into being and I feel like the loved one who must kneel by her bedside as disease takes it's toll on her.  All I can really do is kneel.  And pray.  And write.  And speak.  I must tell her that I do love her.  I must tell others how important she is and how much she means to me.  Do I sit quietly and watch other men and woman destroy her from within by action and misdeed?  As I said previously, I do trust people.  It's just when they get together that the mayhem starts.  Whether it is the abuse of the system from without or within or the leaders who use the abuse to their advantage - they are killing her.  And the thing that bothers me the most is how so many are quietly watching her go as they continue to pocket their wealth and wield their power under the guise of "it's for the good of the people".  And I know I'm not alone.  So many others feel the same about their own country.  Whether they live in the United States or Russia or Pakistan, everyone feels something for their home.  But this morning I weep for my own and hope for something to happen.  Few desire for bloodshed or death.  I'm pretty sure our own founding fathers weren't sitting around wiping down their firearms with dribbles of spittle running down their chins in the anticipation of bloodshed between themselves and their neighbors.  And I don't desire the same for myself or my own neighbors.  But do we let her die?  Do we watch idly or do we rise in anger?  How far do we go down this path? I remember across the road from where I grew up there was a small pig confinement a neighbor owned.  He came in a couple of times a day and fed them and made sure they were growing comfortably.  The pigs were important because his well-being depended upon their well-being.  He had to make sure they didn't move around much and that there was plenty of feed.  Because if the food ran out the pigs would have went in search of something, somewhere.  Because when a pig's been well fed they feel they deserve to be well fed everyday.  Somehow I feel I still live pretty close to the pig confinement.  And one of these days those farmers aren't gonna show up 'cause they've run out of feed.  Or at least that's my take on it.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Feel free to email me at with comments or just to chew the fat.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

The ultimate question for my readers probably concerns communication with me.  "How can I talk to this guy and tell him how wrong he is?"  or  "I wouldn't mind bearing this guy's children - wonder if there's some kind of fee?"  or  "Why isn't there some kind of link so I can donate money to Rueuhy's paypal account?"  or  "I'm intrigued by his viewpoints and I really wish I could find out who supply's him his weed."  Well, the wait is over.  After being inundated with massive amounts of comments that I cannot possibly answer personally, I have decided to further increase my workload/enjoyment with an actual email you can personally contact me by.  And the best thing is it's free.  For a limited time you can email me using the following short and easily memorable email address and I will do my best to decipher your ramblings:  And for an extra bonus I will personally answer your email.  I do ask a couple of things before you do.  One - please convert any questions to English for this is actually the only language I know.  Second - please refrain from any abusive or derogatory comments against myself or any other members of my staff  (my mom and my wife both hate when I refer to them as my staff but I pay them too well for them to argue with me.)  And that's it.  If you're curious to find out more about me (such as my real name - Rue uhy) or my social security number - #867 530 9, feel free to ask.  I may not answer truthfully and more than likely I will make you suffer for your inferior intelligence but the choice is yours.  I'm obviously kidding about "your inferior intelligence" and "making you suffer" but hopefully you have a feel for my whimsical sense of drama and will just chock that up to rueuhyness.  So, once again, that email address is and it's free for a limited time.  If you do want to make a donation or just want to send me gifts, I will provide contact information to make that happen.  If your haven't picked up on my email address yet, please look at the title of this post and hopefully the clouds will part and suddenly the world will feel a little bit smaller.  Thanks to all of you for all the fun filled comments and I actually do hope to hear from some of you and hopefully it is in English.  Thanks, respectfully, sincerely, with love, and with fondness, My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  If you would like to contact me please email 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Last Minute And Then The Next

I can't remember when I became fascinated with the concept and truth of death but it's been many years now since I first contemplated my own existence and demise.  There are many ideas and thoughts on what happens when a person completes this life and what awaits them afterwards.  There are some who believe that we merely don't exist anymore.  They believe that our bodies and minds stop and we cease to exist.  There are others who believe it is a migratory step into a new existence via morphoses into a reincarnated state.  Then there are those who believe that we exist beyond this mortal world and our soul takes flight into an eternal existence. Some believe that eternity exists in a heavenly state and there is no penalty or punishment for one's prior actions, thoughts, or lack of action in doing what's right or making life better for anyone outside of him or her self.  Heaven merely is the reward for living whatever years one has lived and successfully maneuvering through that life.  Than there are those who believe that rules are set by the boundaries of a religion and the outcome of their soul is based upon their loyalty to those rules.  If they are successful in this life at following their religion they will be rewarded with entrance to a form of heaven taught by their religion.  If they have failed then they enter into a form of hell which is also defined by their religion.  There are also others who believe there is an intermediary state that exists for the soul that allows for further testing or is subject to the actions of others in obtaining freedom from a purgatory which allows migration into a better state such as heaven.  I believe this is a brief synopsis of the many different beliefs people have.  I am sure there are many variations and possibilities that people believe but for the majority these are the common theories and beliefs.  For myself, I am a christian in my beliefs and I do believe that a savior was born on this earth and my only way to heaven, after my death, is through my belief in the sovereignty in the perfection of a Messiah and His name is Jesus.  That is my own personal belief and I believe this to be absolute truth.  But, this post is not really about my own personal belief but rather that last minute of life we live before the finality of death in our mortal form.  The last minute is what I'm really focusing on and I hope you can continue to follow this post even if your belief differs from mine.  The thing that really amazes me is how full life really is for us.  I know every individual lives a different life and experiences a dramatically different perception of how that life has unraveled for him or her.  Some feel an immense joy and others feel an immense suffering.  For some, laughter is an everyday occurrence and for others depression never allows that smile to surface.  We are as diverse as grains of sand but we are all the beach.  Our lives, in sync with the world as a whole, form a symphony of riddles and stories and puzzles that completes a complete world. Without a single individual, when that individual's life has intertwined in the concert that continues to play with millions of variations and overtures from births and finales from countless deaths, the music seems to be a little ... quieter.  Each note which is a person's life strikes a balance and harmony that we rarely perceive with clear vision.  For we usually focus on our own  life and expect the song to continue from our own intention.  I find myself so guilty of this that I usually need a reminder from loved ones that I'm the one out of tune.  To even reflect on life and how deep and inexplanatory it really is, is a lesson in futility.  For life really is impossible to define or summarize. Some of you may disagree and I'm ok with that.  Life itself has been discussed so much that many find the discussion rather boring because of how vast and detailed such discussions must be.  But for me, pondering such a vast and detailed notion of the meaning of life for these past years, the most fascination detail is that last minute.  How do we, as creatures - living entities, which defies a total understanding of who we really are and the extent of being such beings, just cease?  That last minute of life, filled with so many capabilities and possibilities, ceases and is no more.  Why does that one seem the most critical of all the minutes we have experience beforehand?  From our exit of our mother's womb to the last electrical pulse relaying information in our brains, that last minute seems to be significant.  The memories of a completed life all lay before us but which one will form a bond with our conscious thoughts in that last minute?  What undone task will we focus on in that last breath?  Will there be a feeling of completion or a feeling of laziness in our inability to complete the important things?    As I've said before in my multitude words of rambling in previous posts, I am driven by answering the "why" of things.  From the mechanical to scientific, historical to future, I like finding out the "why?".  I believe it is the very reason I do what I do because I just can't really focus on anything else.  On my deathbed, if such is such for me, I believe that last minute of life will be filled with my own versions of the "why" for many things.  If I know myself, and I do have some experience in that area, I will want to know the "why".  It has driven me for most of my life but I am limited by my own comprehension of the clues.  If anything, my greatest hope, in that moment, is the answer to so many things that retain their secrets in this life.  The wonder of moments past, such as creation.  The reality of life itself rather than the foggy mist which covers our eyes from the version we tell ourselves to get through each day.  Even mundane things like "what's my cat really thinking?".  It is my hope, in that last breath, that so much will be revealed.  Because, for myself, the "why's" have been fascinating and exciting.  It is my hope that in my last breath I will understand fully the "why?" that is me.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty review

Several months ago, while watching previews and trailers for another movie which I cannot even recall now, I saw my first preview for The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.  I'll be honest - my first thought was "another Ben Stiller movie ... great."  And I didn't say that in an upbeat sort of way.  It was in that twitching eyebrow sort of way a man, who just wants to watch the movie he came to see, will say something like that. Now, to be honest, I said it to myself primarily.  You never know when you'll run into a Ben Stiller fan but it does happen occasionally.  I must admit that I have enjoyed a few but I'm not this die hard Ben Miller fan.  Never have been.  He's okay but he's not the type that draws me to a theater to watch a show for $6 - $10 which I will top off with a small combo at the concession stand.  He's just not that high on my list.  But I will admit I have snickered at his antics on screen.  He is a funny guy.  And the trailer was intriguing. But he's one of those actors that just basically changes the character's name and you pretty much see Ben Stiller.  So, with a little trepidation I went to see his latest offering.  For me, movies are a drug.  I hate to admit the addiction but I am hooked and unfortunately for me it is legal and we have a dealer at two locations in our small city.  So, today, being the first day of a new year that I don't have much experience with, I needed a fix.  A friend of mine basically twisted my arm and every day would bombard my phone with texts such as "Have you seen it?  When you going to see it?  Mitty is awesome - have you seen it yet?"  He was obviously easier to please than I.  So I decided today was the day I would watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and give him such a bad review that I would disgrace my friend so harshly on his choices that I would never suffer such texts again.  Surprisingly I don't have a lot of texting buddies.  Actually I jest.  I do enjoy his texts and it is with great fondness and admiration that I faithfully keep watch over my phone in the hopes I will get some text from him.  I'm desperate that way.  So, today was the day.  Today I would answer my friend's curiosity with a thumb's up or down on the The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.  Now I know you've been patiently waiting for my take on this movie but let me introduce it a bit further.  Ben Stiller stars as Walter Mitty.  He also directed this movie.  A few weeks ago, while watching a special documentary on comediennes on Netflix, I heard Ben Stiller's take on directing.  I will say this - he has a passion for it.  His love for directing far outweighs his love for performing.  You could see it spew from him.  He really likes it.  So, as far as Ben Stiller directing, that part was actually beneficial in my initial interpretation of the movie.  The female lead - Kristen Wiig, does an outstanding job in her performance as the potential love interest for Walter Mitty.  I would have to say I was pleased by the portrayals of all the actors/actresses in this film.  The story, which tells us about the choices Walter Mitty must make as his plate gets full, is a story familiar to a lot of us.  For Walter Mitty, the daydreams are his adventures.  That is, until he must awaken to a life greater than he's ever been comfortable with.  He begins a journey out of necessity but realizes that life really is the best adventure a man can understand.  I enjoyed The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.  Not only did I enjoy this movie but it did something which I totally did not expect.  It inspired me to be more.  As I watched the struggles and adventures of our unlikely hero unfold on the screen, I found myself craving more out of my own existence.  To climb a mountain.  To swim with the sharks.  To live like life only happens once.  For the ultimate moral of the movie is this - Life is a choice from our first cry to our inevitable silence.  We are only confined by the limitations we put upon ourselves.  I just wasn't expecting that from a Ben Stiller movie.  And if you're ever at a rental car agency, choose the red one.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. 

Reliable Sources and Rumors

The following is a tech story for 2014.  I give you the following "copy and paste" synopsis from the IBT in depth report for Apple iPhone 6 release:

"As the New Year approaches, rumors of the next iPhone and iPad increase by the day. In fact, reports highlighted the next iPhone 6 to feature a larger screen. While there are sources saying Apple may release the next phone later in 2014, new reports say the tech giant may release the flagship by May 2014. What should people expect? "

But wait!!!  There's more:

"A number of analysts and sources say it is highly likely Apple will release a new phone in 2014. With the increasing competition, it is impossible that the tech giant will break away from the trend. It will not let other competitors release flagships while it remains in a slump."

And still more:

"There are also reports saying that the iPhone 6 will likely be a phablet."

And to complete the rumor mill:

"There are no confirmations yet for any of the devices. These are just predictions and leads from various sources. Analysts often put out predictions as a guide for the market and consumers. It is best for people to wait for the official announcement to know the final details."

Now, the interesting thing that really bothers me is the non-use of actual names for these sources or where these reports actually came from.  There is no issue of liability for lying because there is no actual proof of any individual or actual credible source who fed the reporter this info.  For all we know it came from Samsung, Google, Nexus, Android, or a million other possibilities.  Or, it actually came from Apple to get the dreaming started.  The point is, it could be true.  Or it could be so far off base that Apple will just smile and whisper "It's all part of the plan" in the voice of the Joker from the Batman trilogy.  So, here's my point - why shouldn't news be a little bit more credible and why shouldn't we demand it?  If a top notch source for technology news, such as the International Business Times (or IBT) publishes such garbage, shouldn't we be a little surprised?  Or are we so numb to inaccuracy and rumor mill reporting that we just take it with a Laissez-faire attitude?  Now I'm a fan of lying, or bending the truth, if you are writing humorous fiction.  I'm also a fan of grand story telling using "non" truth in an effort to entertain.  What I am not a fan of is the garbage being pumped out, in the form of news reporting, to the masses when I'm smack dab in the middle of those masses.  I get tired of being lied to when I'm actually interested in the headline.  Or the use of strategic syllables and nouns and verbs filled with misleading lies pulled out of the butt of a "not so well informed" reporter to sell a paper or other media source.  I actually hate it.  I try to get my info from credible sources and I guess I've become a little jaded and critical when it comes to this.  Perhaps I should just let them pump in the garbage and sit back and feel a warm, oozy feeling overcome me.  But my survival instincts switch on and I really want to know the truth.  I like the truth.  Even if it means pain and discomfort to me.  Even if it means my life will become messier and tougher.  I instinctively require it.  What amazes me, and scares the living tar out of me, is how many people who live on this same planet are just basically here for the ride.  And this totally goes against 100% of car manufacturers understanding of the consumer. Because every automobile that's ever been produced includes windows.  I can not think of any automobile, from the first to the latest, that did not include a device such as windows which allowed the occupant to look out to see what's around them.  I guess it's a safety thing.  People should instinctively desire to see the tree ahead when they are going 55 miles an hour.  I don't understand why people don't live all aspects of their life that way.  And for me, a lie, or half-truth, being told to me, is very similar to driving a car with no windows. It's just dangerous.  And a tree is still a tree at 0 miles an hour or 55 miles an hour.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

Here's a link to the IBT story: