This is the first of the last of a new beginning. Or maybe I should start out "It was a cold and damp fish when lindsey saw the cow drop on her windshield." But what's important is the idea. Lindsey never saw the cow coming and she probably was texting anyway. My name is Rueuhy and this is my blog. Written my way. With punctuation and everything. The beginning of the day, this day at least, starts out in the morning. No early afternoon for me. I'm starting this day in the a.m.. I forget if you have to put a period after another period. I hate periods. Perhaps not as much as the ladies (or perhaps more but who can measure such things). This blog will be about me. And let me be clear - I am the foremost authority on me. I know many think they know more about me than I do but that's just them and this is me and I am what I say I am. So, now that that's out of the way... I am here for the good of all that is Rueuhy. I have answers to most things but there is no actual money-back guarantee or anything so the answer may not be what you like but it will be what it is and it is mine alone. The answer to life, the universe, and everything has been said to be 42. The problem with this miscalculation is not really based in the answer or the question but rather the probability of the variables. Is a 6 really a six (such as 6 x 7 =42) or is 7 in standard or metric? That's what I'm talking about. You see, the answer, even to life itself, is really never a simple exact equation. There are many variables to each answer. Such as "Would you like to see a movie this weekend?" Now, simply answered the choice is either "YES!!" or "NO!!!!" But nothing in life is as clear cut or precise. There are many other variables to consider. Such as: By myself? With You (no way)? Or with your best friend who is really cute? Or with your ugly friend who is not really a challenge to my manhood so why not? Or what movie? Which movie? Will there be popcorn or soda? Will I be paying for this or will the movie theater be paying me to see the latest trash to come out of the entertainment grinder that spits out the latest stupidity? So, as you can see, the answer is never simple or precise. And 42 may be the answer if you have six kids and 7 ex-wives. It's all relative to each person's own parameters. Above all, this blog will dwelve into the chaos of my subconscious and dare to give you the answers you need. But only for a little while. The doctor's given me 50 years at the most so this cannot possibly go on for ever. (Just look at Dear Abby - obviously she took the scenic route through life and felt she had to comment on everything.) I am not here to torgue off anybody. Let me be clear on this. Just like our current president (of the United States and not South Korea) He's clear on everything except for those things that we scratch our heads over such as NO JOBS but healthcare for everyone. And yes - I DID GO THERE!. For those of you who were just born there's been a debate raging for the past 20+ years about healthcare, who pays for it, who gets it for free, alien or non-illegal trangendered aliens or visitors from Panama. The debate goes like this - Up north, (not Mexico) is a nother country by the name of Canada. The only time they cross the border to the south is when they're sick. I don't know why they think our doctor's are better but it has something to do with capitalism and the vetting of the inferior, incapable surgeons/physicians who can actually cure the sick but I digress.... Anyway, these aliens with passports attack our major health complexes and take up valuable resources from us (we'll just say citizens even though the neighbors from the south - undocumentables, fill the waiting rooms at a higher ratio than cheese versus milk in cream cheese). All under the pretense that their free healthcare is somehow slow and unobliging. Then, they become comedians such as Jim Carrey. Do we really need a system that takes our Jim Carrey's and forces them to cross north into Canada? How many comedians can America (actually America is a term the peoples of the United States say even though there are several Americas such as North America, Central America, and South America. Mexico is probably in South America because it's south of America where the healthcare is free in the emergency room but expensive without the "free medicaid". So that's why I choose to be an American. Because no matter how far north I can drive or travel by foot, or how far south I journey, I am still an American. Even on horseback. True story, my great-grandmother died because my great-grandfather (who happened to be an American from the central tribe) dragged her behind his horse because the burritos were cold. This was way before the health care debate and I think she would have been happy with any kind of emergency room after that dragging. Pesos or quids or euros would have flowed freely if only she had the resources. He was a vile, mean man and never could add 6 times 7. That's probably why he had no answers. He was a hungry man by nature but I digress... So healthcare is important. But so isn't being an american. So that's why I have created this blog. I am an american and I have papers and everything. Never will the human spirit be quenched with the joys of rhetoric. It takes pure facts to quench that joy. I am Rueuhy and this is my blog. If you would like to contact me my email is
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