Thursday, November 28, 2013

Online Survey From U.S.Census Bureau

I received a notice by mail yesterday.  On the front of the envelope is a opening to see my address which is common for business/government mailings.  On the top left is the return address for U.S. Dept. of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration US Census Bureau.  There address is 1201 E. 10th St. Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001.  And underneath that is an official stamp saying Official Business.  Under that is a polite Penalty for Private Use $300.  Under that is a code which I will not print because I'm not really sure it's legal to print such codes.  And finally (still in the top left hand corner) is a large bold square box stating "The American Community Survey".  And in the box under that is a very bold lettered warning in larger, bolder letters - "YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW"  When I received this friendly envelope and the contents within, I noticed in the open window that my name was "To the resident of" and then my address followed.  My question is this - can I be arrested for a crime in which I'm named To The Resident Of:?  If I don't go online and take a 40 minute survey I am breaking the law.  I am being threatened with a fine or jail time (I haven't researched the consequences but IT'S THE LAW) if I don't take a survey.  Now I understand our forefathers understood the importance of a census and how the results reflect in proper governing by representation. I have no problem whatsoever in answering the question "Do you exist and are you a citizen?.  I have no problems whatsoever with answering that question.  But how did we go from that simple question every 10 years to this?  I am being threatened if I don't complete a survey and they don't even know my name?  Just the fact that I live in a household holds me accountable to the US Dept. of Commerce?  The department of commerce?  Perhaps the NSA should get together and let the Commerce department know who I am and who I've been texting.  I don't often cuss in my everyday language but I gotta tell you, they are a bunch of s.o.b.'s.  Now I have to take an hour out of my busy blogging to complete a bureaucratic butt wipe so that the Commerce Department has a better handle on which toilet paper I wipe my butt with and what color that butt happens to be?  I'm torqued about this.  I mean, how far can the government sink?  I'm supposed to be threatened by mail using the US postal service and just simply go online and answer their fact quest?  But Rueuhy, this is for your benefit some will say.  "This allows for better funding for schools, and fire departments, and hospitals and whatever else the government has their tentacles and testicles intertwined in" says the bleeding heart liberals who just want a better, brighter future for everyone.   This is not what our founding fathers envisioned.  In fact, I believe they felt a deep resentment to those who threatened the well-being and freedom they felt was a God-given right that no other man or group of men should ever infringe upon.  They were willing to die or face charges for treasonous acts against the crown.  I do believe, if they saw what our government was doing to it's own people they would be ready to fight the bonds of servitude in which the United States federal and state governments were imposing upon its citizenry.  So what will Rueuhy do?  Well, first I will research the law and the penalties I might suffer if I don't complete this online survey.  Then I will complain non-stop to my family and friends.  I will not sit quietly.  But in the end I will probably put the envelope in a larger envelope and mark it "return to sender" and add a friendly note about revolution and the consequences for those who infringe upon the rights of naturally born citizens.  Then I'll pack for a long stint in Guantanamo Bay luxury resorts.  Seriously, people, what's happened to us?  And why do we continue to let it happen?  My name is "To The Resident Of:"  and I approve this blog.

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