I have written about time in several blog posts prior to this one. The relationship we have with time and the abundance or lack of time. We are all bound to it with no say in the matter. From songs - "Too much time on my hands" courtesy of the Styx to novels centered on a set time - "1984". I have also said time is our best friend and worst enemy. But this post isn't about time. Actually it's about a single decision all of us have made, more than likely. Now, before I tell you what that decision is, let me describe the fear and trepidation some of you, and myself included, have felt prior to making that choice. For me, and many of you, we find ourselves alone in our thoughts and perhaps we're using a laptop. Or even our own P.D.A - personal data assistant. We call them smartphones now. But, whatever the device of choice, our experience is usually by ourselves. You're wasting a little time and you're on your favorite website. With no regard to your agenda, a brief message appears. Now, it is at this point in our story that we feel our heart skip a beat or two. And suddenly we are faced with a decision. And that's when the questions begin in our conscious mind. How will this effect me in my daily life? Am I comfortable enough with who I am and do I want the challenges this decision could bring? Will this decision come back to haunt me or will it have little consequence to my normal order of things? What would God say? Am I really the right person to even answer this question? Is it about me or my ex? Am I stable enough to endure the countless other questions this one question means in my life? How did they even find me? The questions we ask ourselves could be infinite in number but I would dare say that most of us have made the decision and it really doesn't effect us in the magnitude we were expecting. In fact, after we make the decision we continue on with our curious little browsing using our browser of choice. But be warned. Today you may to face such a decision. And you will not be alone. For Facebook has it's steely tentacles in your life and today you may get that friend request you weren't expecting. And thus, in the stillness of your living room (or let's be honest - the bathroom), you will be faced with the question. And you will have to decide if that friend request is right for you. It's the world we live in. It's the world Mark Zuckerberg has tangled for us in a web of half truths and deception. Are we brave enough to allow another to peer into our fantasy world we have meticulously created? A world known as ... (enter your name here)'s facebook page. Only you can rule your destiny. You and the number of friends you've allowed to join. It's your fate. What will you do? My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. For answers to all your questions please email me at rueuhy@gmail.com
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