We live in the world we choose. A teacher told me that many years ago. I didn't understand it then. I did to some extent but being a teenager does limit you on life experience. I understand it a little better now.
Back then, in the early 80's of the past century, (I'm still getting used to the idea of a new century) life was different for our country. For someone like me, in rural town USA, one could not really envision the events unfolding today. Surveillance of citizens, government run amok in our personal affairs, laws on the books that hinder personal liberty and freedom. Federal agencies so corrupt and powerful that citizens have become naturally afraid of their own government - these were the possibilities of a "Big Brother" era. It was fiction from a George Orwell novel. "But Rueuhy, we are far from a total totalitarian form of government" the bleating sheep cry from the comfort of their section 8 housing. The same sheep wait dutifully in the welfare lines and cling to their EBT cards. The sheep walk quietly to their minimum wage jobs and dream of that factory, that is now in decay, opening once again. The sheep didn't choose to become sheep - it is just an economic and socialist form of evolution that converted them. The media helped shaped them. The schools helped form them. The jails have room for a few more. We live in a world today that seems so normal in its chaotic rituals of season cliffhangers on tv and cinematic remakes of once beloved movies. Churches are for those who aren't smart enough to listen to science and old age should never lead to death. We have lost faith in God (not all of us but an alarming trend is in place) and have chosen the material comforts in His place. And our elementary, junior and senior public highschools are quickly establishing themselves as the new parents of socialism in America. For those of you that haven't had the joy of his/her young offspring reciting the new Federal and State manifesto in all it's glory, just ask a young 'un to explain the procedures to handle bullying. Or the new grading curves in place. Ah, the joy of dumbing down the future citizens. We must be tolerant now, to the point of acceptance of everyone's flag, whether or not the U.S. flag gets dragged through the mud. If 2% of the population is homosexual then that is obviously a majority and can no longer be viewed as an abomination in the eyes of the lord who sits on the education board at state and federal levels. Or the federal judge who decides against morality and fairness in his/her interpretation of the constitution. Because that old outdated scrap of paper is a living, breathing document that really should be put out of its misery. We live in fun times.
It is the thought of our beloved country, and the damnation at the hands of its leaders throughout the government agencies and bureaucracy they've created that leads me to this thought: we are at a crossroads. As the people of this country face lower incomes, or even non-existent incomes and staggering implications of rulings and laws that filter into their peaceful existence and will to be happy, everyone will have to make a choice. And I see a final reckoning which will take place shortly after the first quarter of 2015 when people go to file their taxes. We are at a precipice that no one really wants but have been pushed towards. As we survey the fiscal and legal cliff that has been forced upon our individual and business enterprises with the advent of a "Personal Responsibility Payment" and employment requirements from the AFA (affordable care act) known as Obamacare, the final push will be felt when we file our 2014 taxes. Men and women who have built their businesses (yes, THEY built their businesses) with their own hands and self-preservation, enter into bankruptcy and financial ruin - there will be a reckoning. As the father watches his children go hungry because he had to choose between healthcare and eating - there will be a reckoning. As the government uses its long arm or force (known simply as the IRS), the little people - the unknown 99% - will face government like never before, and there will be a reckoning. As I've said before to anyone who would listen - "You can regulate and delegate to the masses but watch out when they can't work or feed themselves." There is a reckoning coming.
Ever wonder why there is so much media coverage for anyone who sees gun control for the masses as the only solution to a few who have used guns for assault on public institutions? It is not the mental illness of a handful that gives the government the right to revoke a constitutional right from millions. It is simpler than that. The government knows when it's outnumbered. Take away the only defense a citizen has and you've given yourself free rein. So the sheep are expected to line up at tables and "register" their arms they legally possess. It's simple really. When the time comes, and the chaos erupts, the government really needs to know where to go and take away the people's only real defense against enslavement. For some of us it's as blatant as a census bureau worker showing up at a house and asking the resident who they have health insurance coverage through. Or it's as blatant as a government requiring knowledge of all your assets and debts through a "tax filing" for every legal business and citizen. Or it's simply as blatant as our country's leaders publicly lying to our faces about keeping our healthcare coverage 30+ times in pushing an un-read bill through congress. There will be a reckoning. Hopefully your common sense is stronger than the sheep who has the faded "Hope and change" bumper sticker half scraped off their bumpers. Sheep tend to follow their leader over any fiscal cliff. My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. If you would like to compare notes please email me at rueuhy@gmail.com
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