Sunday, April 20, 2014

Just Because You Can't See Them Doesn't Mean You Can't See Them

Superstitions. Make-believe.  Hallucinations.  Magic.  Fairy tales.  I've heard christianity and religion described many ways.  Some of you reading right now feel strongly about the "non-existence" of a god, gods, or God.  Some of you feel pretty strongly about the non-existence of the devil or angels or demons or anything "other" worldly.   The fantastic thing about a person's personal belief is that they totally own it.

If I owned a foreign country or was some type of dictator ruling a land far, far away, and said to my people that I declare this belief of mine as the belief all people in the land should share, it's not really a personal faith, is it?  I can't really force any belief, in a faith, without invalidating the essence of faith itself.  A person has to totally own his or her own personal faith.  It must be an individual's choice.  For myself, as an individual clear of any known mental defect, being totally coherent and rational in my thinking, I choose to believe and have faith.  It's my choice.

It wasn't out of guilt or pleasure that I made that decision so many years ago.  It was one I made logically and emotionally.  It was pretty personal.  And it was a simple question really.  And when I say simple I'm speaking of length of words.  It was a brief question but it determined the rest of my life really.  The question asked of me was only four words. It didn't come quickly. In fact, it was after many hours and many days of reading and studying the bible that I had to ask myself the question.  It has lead me through many other questions later in life from that point.

One example was just yesterday.  I was on the interstate about a mile from the exit I had to take.  The car in front of me was driven by an older lady (as I would find out when she turned and looked back at me) traveling to some unknown destination by me.  She was in the right lane, which coincidentally was the same lane needed for the exit I had to take.  For those of you familiar with interstate travel, speeds driven on the interstate can range between 0 and 90 depending on the city and if it's Friday around quitting time.  Traffic at this particular time was moving along at a comfortable pace and was flowing rather fluidly.  As I followed her car I notice my speed was gradually slowing down.  My speed had went from around 70 mph down to 55 mph.  I noticed many cars behind me began zipping around into the next lane and I swear they were shaking their heads at me like I was the problem.  Well, I shook my head as strongly as possible and energetically began pointing at the car ahead of me.  "It's their fault.  It's their fault.  It's not mine." I was screaming in my own self-defense.  (I made that last part up but it was happening in my head, none-the-less.)

So what stopped me from ramming the back of the car in front of me?  What prevented me from speeding up and entering the lane next to this hazardous driver and pushing her car off the interstate?  I do believe it is in those moments that something inside me prevents me from making such rash decisions.  Now, for those of you who are atheists or just don't really agnostically care, you might argue that common sense or years of experience prevented me from committing vehicular manslaughter.  But I disagree.  Because I know deep down inside there is the potential to make the wrong decision and do the worst possible thing in any given circumstance.  I don't know how many times I have been given a little push in the right direction in my life but I know something extraordinary is at work within me.  I know that my spirit has recognized true beauty in the world surrounding me.  I've been blessed beyond what I'll ever know just because of that decision I made many years ago.  At some point, when I feel a little bit more comfortable with our writer/reader relationship, I'll fill you in on more of my sordid past.  But for now just trust me when I say that I am a sinner. I've made mistakes.

So, what was the question I answered so many years ago?  What lead me down this path I'm currently stumbling down every once in awhile?  Four words really.  "Do You Believe This?  If you can ask yourself that question after reading the bible than you'll have to answer it.  It may not be at that exact moment but when the time comes you'll know it in your heart.  And that is where He resides.  I do firmly believe He took residence within me so many years ago and there is nothing I can say or do that can convince you. You can call me a liar, deceived, delirious, or insane.  It doesn't change the fact that it's my own personal faith.  So, if you're like the millions who haven't asked yourself that question, or like one of the millions who have but were not absolutely confident on answering the question at that moment, give it a try again.  Pick up a bible and read.  Truly try to ask the question - "Do You Believe This?" and only you can answer.  For me the answer was one of the hardest answers I've had to give because I do believe the consequences are eternal.  But I do believe it.  And He's been faithful to me no matter how little I've shown my own faithfulness to be.  And today, Easter Sunday, seems to be a pretty good time to reflect on His love and grace on my life.  So yes, I do believe this.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  You can contact me at  Happy Easter!!

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