There are challenges in life that are so epic many men tremble at the thought of completing such tasks. Some men have a list comprised in their subconscious. Some men dare not tread in such arenas. I, on the other hand, look into the eyes of the beast and laugh at its contentiousness and ask, "why not?". So, it's another Saturday night and I have no money for booze or narcotics but I needed a little adventure. And my cat's just laying there ..... Needless to say I ran a nice warm bath. Now the trick to a successful bathing of any animal is the proper water height. If the water is too high they'll drown after several minutes. If it's only a couple of inches (this is still too high for a pet iguana or mini-mouse but too low for a feline) then the water will fly with their flailing.
So, every animal will require different amounts of water. The level at the neck seems to be the adequate amount. If the animal exerts all its energy at keeping its head above water than there will be less available for clawing and biting. Yes, there will be blood. I wouldn't recommend latex gloves or other materials that will tear easily. Leather will just get wet and will be hard to take off. Plus, it is hard to hold onto the scratch pad you will use to properly clean the animal. Animal are resistant to change so a daily bathing will help them overcome their fear of the water and will help toughen up your skin to their claws. The first thing after filling the tub you will need to exercise is the element of surprise and nonchalance. The announcement being made "Bath time!!!" is not recommended. Try substituting "cat nip" or "Who wants some liver?" Kitty will be anxious to get into the bath tub if he or she thinks some tasty treat is awaiting them. The other recommended recommendations are setting up the cleaning items before hand rather then when the kitty is already in the water. "Oops, I forgot the soap or where's the towel?" will ruin the adventure for you and will further irritate the animal if they have to wait a few minutes longer.
Bath times under 30 minutes are recommended rather than an hour or longer. You will have to be prepared for the awfullest moans and screeches which will accompany the bath. "It's okay kitty, it will soon be over." will not pacify the cat in anyway. And fight the urge to hold their heads under water longer than five minutes. This will definitely defeat the purpose of giving the cat a bath. And the veterinarian will have a lot of questions for you which may lead to a questioning by police officers. It is recommended to have a sane adult assist you to prevent such things from occurring. Now, showering is not recommended either. The animal will be offended having to share the shower with you and I don't even want to go into the specifics of why naked men should never combine running water with a animal with claws. But the nickname "Shredder" could be applied here and the doctor will definitely have some hard questions for you. But I digress ...
After bath time a period of drying time will be needed for you and the cat and a nice puffy towel will do nicely. This will help soak up the water from the animal and help soak up excess blood that will run from your fresh wounds. I would recommend buying red towels for this bath time episodes. Your animal will either react kindly towards you in an effort to thank you for removing them from such a traumatic occurrence or they will hide for a few days just waiting until your walking in your sleep for their final act of revenge. If there was ever a product needed in the pet supply business it is this - pet sedatives. Imagine a drowsy kitty just barely coherent and allowing its owner to properly bathe her. Just an idea. But there does tend to be the addiction possibility. That's just the chances we have to take.
My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.
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