Thursday, August 15, 2013

Diary Of A Fish

Entry for August 15, 2013:

Dear diary,
  I spent the whole day swimming again.  It seems like every day is the same thing.  I am so bored.  It's basically this - I feel trapped.  I can see this whole other world beyond the sunken sea chest that feels so familiar to me.  The choral and the rest of the bottom of this ocean are always the same.  Life used to be different.  I used to have friends.  They left so long ago.  We would race from one old abandoned wreck to another and our days would end watching the shimmers of the sun settle to the bottom of our world.  And we were happy.  But that was a lifetime ago.  Where are they now?  Diary, I'm so lonely.  And if I try to go beyond certain boundaries it's as if I am in some kind of containment device.  It is the natural environment I'm used to but something's changed.  As I mentioned yesterday, speed doesn't attribute to escape.  In fact, it hurts when I hit that invisible barrier.  And I swear, there doesn't seem to be any kind of current or undertow anymore.  Oh how I miss those moments when my friends and I would feel the pressure surrounding us and the water would just push us in directions unknown.  It just doesn't seem to exist anymore.  Those days are gone and I'm the only survivor.  What did happen to all my friends?  Where have they gone?  What did I do to them?  I seem to recall bits and pieces of some traumatic event but I'm doomed to my short term memory of that day.  The worst part of all of this is the feeling that I'm being watched.  Everyday, around the same time, some man gets so close to me and I try to get away but then I hit that invisible barrier and my head aches for the next hour.  He just stands there where the world drops away and he'll smile with that diabolical smile and there's no escaping from him.  Is this my life now?  Am I destined to die this way?  And it's not always just him.  Sometimes there are two or more of them just staring at me.  It really freaks me out.  They just stare and every once in a while I can see their hands coming towards me and there is literally no where I can hide.  How can all of this be?  What is the meaning of all of this?  Is there supposed to be more?  Am I to die in this bitter loneliness?  My hope, the only thing I have really, is the dream of seeing my friends once again and to feel the current surround me as I voyage to distant unfamiliar parts of my watery home.  That is simply my dream.  And I will hold onto it until tomorrow.  But tonight I'll go to sleep listening to the gentle bubble trails that come from the corner of my entrapment.  Tonight I will sleep and dream. For tomorrow is another day.   My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

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