Monday, March 10, 2014

A Numbers Game

Population, population, population.  It really is about the numbers isn't it?  I, personally, live in a state that has one county (Cook County) that dominates the other 101 counties.  As per the previous census in 2010, Chicago/Cook County's population was 5,194,675.  The entire state was 12,830,632.  So, using a quick, non-scientific method of calculation - Cook County is our boss on election night.  Whether it's the governor's race or the Presidential race, Cook County has a pretty big say in how we are represented.  Now, for most of us, in the state of Illinois, we understand this discrepancy and try to live our lives downstate with the few scraps the state government throws to us.  But, for those of you who studied the state capitals in grade school, the confusion lies in the mobile location of the state capitol which seems to shift from Springfield to Chicago at the whim of those who govern our state.  Springfield is the permanent location of our capitol building.  Most of us in Illinois understand that most decisions really come out of the state capital which is primarily mobile based upon the current election cycle.  For example, we always know when it's an election year, or run up to an election year, when we get visits "down state" by our governor.  Sure, every once in a while he shows up in Springfield (our designated capitol location) if he feels that the upcoming election specifies his need to "fight for the people".  But, for someone who "fights for the people", he will not usually be found in the state capitol after 5 pm.  He will be en route to his "alternate" home in Chicago.  Which seems to be a waste of the taxpayer's money keeping up a residence as grand as the Governor's Mansion in Springfield.  Now, for those of you keeping tabs on capitol versus capital, capitol (with an "o") signifies the location of a building that seats the government.  And capital (with an "a") designates where the money is.  It's really that simple.  So, why do I bring all of this up?  Why waste your time and mine thinking upon such suffrage?  Well, it's simple. It has to do with California.  There is currently a petition circulating in the great state of California that would allow a bill to be put forward dividing California into six states.  There is no actual bill up for a vote but there is the potential for it if enough signatures are signed on the petition.  Six mini Californias.  The breakdown of California, by county, shows similarities between Illinois and California.  The biggest county, Los Angelos, has 9,818,605 people. The entire state has a population of 37,253,956 as per the 2010 census count.  The county of Los Angelos has the numbers over the rest of the state at a ratio of almost 1:4.  The county that comes in second on the numbers game is San Diego with 3,095,313.  Geographically, these two make up a small chunk in the actual land mass California amasses.  But politically, they have a pretty good say in the way California, and the rest of the United States, decided who will be President of the United States.  What is even scarier is the minority leader in the House of Representatives comes from a small dot geographically in the county map of California from the great county of San Francisco.  Ms. Pelosi, who infamously decided that a bill couldn't be understood unless a legislative body passed it, heralds from this small land mass.  The county itself, is home to 805,235 people.  But to be fair, a few of them already had health insurance.  Some did not.  So, in the grand scheme of things, 805,235 people need to leave my country.  Just kidding of course.  No, the point is, these two states, Illinois and California, are similar in the political dynamics of their people, and the geographical misrepresentation of the rural counties suffer.  Is it time for Illinois to depart from Cook county?  Is it time for California to divide into 6 smaller states?  I would have to agree.  It sure would change the dynamics of the next elections, wouldn't you say? My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  Viva, revolucion!  If you have insults or accolades please email me at

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