"The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." Revelation 17 verse 8 (NIV translation)
Before I get into the heart and soul of this post, let me begin by saying I am not a prophet. I do not want to make a current event comparison to an end times revelation. I have studied the bible and I do believe the bible. But I do not consider myself an authority on the bible. But, every once in awhile, I see a connection. I'm not quite ready to start my own cult but I do see a possibility of a connection. And if the bible teaches us anything in the book of Revelation, it is this - keep watch for no one knows when it ends. For we really do not know, or should we know, when that last day or week or month will come for all of us. And I say "or should we know" because that would take out all the fun of living, right? To actually know you have 426 hours left. Or 50 years. It would surely change the way you live and interact with others, right? Some would sit quietly in their rooms in a state of despair. Others would party like it's 1999 (which I didn't even do when it was December 31st, 1999). We all would handle it differently and probably chaotically. So, it's probably all for the best that we don't know that magical calender date.
But a weird thing happened last night. I woke up around 3:30 very thirsty. Which is not uncommon. I love a drink of water in the middle of the night. It's cool and refreshing. But shortly afterwards I checked my phone and twitter. (Yes, I tweet now but I will never twerk.) And I saw on my feed a story from a Mr. Hilliker about Argentina. And Russia. After reading the article about Russia establishing bases within South America and following the expansion of Russia into Crimea/Ukraine, Here's a link to that article. http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/argentina-to-host-russian-military-bases-while-america-sleeps/ I started thinking about the USSR and the power they had. The collapse and division of the old bear into individual territories. The once powerful USSR had literally died. And any remnant of the communist super power could still be seen in Russia. Or at least that's the way it appeared to me.
And now, after all these years (the USSR formally dissolved December 26th, 1991), we see Russia re-establishing itself. In fact, in their usual comical way, The Onion Newsletter explains it the best in a link I've listed below. I must admit I laughed and cried at the same time. http://www.theonion.com/articles/thanks-for-being-so-cool-about-everything,35584/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Pic:1:Default
So, after pondering such thoughts, the verse I included at the beginning of the post lunged out at me. And I'm not saying that prophecy is being fulfilled by the expansion of Russia. And I'm not saying that Russia is the beast. But I am saying that that the world is a crazy place and some beasts, when they rear their heads, shouldn't be ignored. As an american, of the norther hemisphere variety, I feel that perhaps our President is a little out of his element when he speaks of specific sanctions against specific people in Russia. Sometimes, on the world stage, someone has to go up to the toddler and tell him nap time is over. It's time to put away the golf clubs and put off the next vacation to China or Hawaii. There's a new kid in town who's played this game before. Actually he's no new kid. Seems pretty adult to me. And the old team seems a lot smarter and mature. God help us. My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. To reach the customer service please email them at rueuhy@gmail.com
Before I get into the heart and soul of this post, let me begin by saying I am not a prophet. I do not want to make a current event comparison to an end times revelation. I have studied the bible and I do believe the bible. But I do not consider myself an authority on the bible. But, every once in awhile, I see a connection. I'm not quite ready to start my own cult but I do see a possibility of a connection. And if the bible teaches us anything in the book of Revelation, it is this - keep watch for no one knows when it ends. For we really do not know, or should we know, when that last day or week or month will come for all of us. And I say "or should we know" because that would take out all the fun of living, right? To actually know you have 426 hours left. Or 50 years. It would surely change the way you live and interact with others, right? Some would sit quietly in their rooms in a state of despair. Others would party like it's 1999 (which I didn't even do when it was December 31st, 1999). We all would handle it differently and probably chaotically. So, it's probably all for the best that we don't know that magical calender date.
But a weird thing happened last night. I woke up around 3:30 very thirsty. Which is not uncommon. I love a drink of water in the middle of the night. It's cool and refreshing. But shortly afterwards I checked my phone and twitter. (Yes, I tweet now but I will never twerk.) And I saw on my feed a story from a Mr. Hilliker about Argentina. And Russia. After reading the article about Russia establishing bases within South America and following the expansion of Russia into Crimea/Ukraine, Here's a link to that article. http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/argentina-to-host-russian-military-bases-while-america-sleeps/ I started thinking about the USSR and the power they had. The collapse and division of the old bear into individual territories. The once powerful USSR had literally died. And any remnant of the communist super power could still be seen in Russia. Or at least that's the way it appeared to me.
And now, after all these years (the USSR formally dissolved December 26th, 1991), we see Russia re-establishing itself. In fact, in their usual comical way, The Onion Newsletter explains it the best in a link I've listed below. I must admit I laughed and cried at the same time. http://www.theonion.com/articles/thanks-for-being-so-cool-about-everything,35584/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=Pic:1:Default
So, after pondering such thoughts, the verse I included at the beginning of the post lunged out at me. And I'm not saying that prophecy is being fulfilled by the expansion of Russia. And I'm not saying that Russia is the beast. But I am saying that that the world is a crazy place and some beasts, when they rear their heads, shouldn't be ignored. As an american, of the norther hemisphere variety, I feel that perhaps our President is a little out of his element when he speaks of specific sanctions against specific people in Russia. Sometimes, on the world stage, someone has to go up to the toddler and tell him nap time is over. It's time to put away the golf clubs and put off the next vacation to China or Hawaii. There's a new kid in town who's played this game before. Actually he's no new kid. Seems pretty adult to me. And the old team seems a lot smarter and mature. God help us. My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. To reach the customer service please email them at rueuhy@gmail.com
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