One of my favorite activities is reading. I don't read large novels or even books for that matter. But I love articles. I love to read the local paper. Usually I throw it away in disgust but I do feel the need to read it. I also have a fondness for reading articles on the internet. A side note - I always enjoy the use of "on the internet" when it follows "facebook" or "that twitter thing" or "email". When people write "on the internet" it displays a level of warmth and kindness in directing the reader to the access point of the origins of websites such as facebook or twitter or email. But I digress ... I do enjoy reading all types of small articles on news sites and my blinkfeed on my phone. (I have the HTC One and it's an exciting portal into any area of interest you choose. Blinkfeed - I use it as often as my weather app.) One area I especially enjoy is reading the new comments written on my posts for this blog. I must say, with gratitude, you are an interesting species. If I was an alien, which I can't really confirm I'm not, without DNA testing, and who's got the money for that(?), I would remark on the hospitable positivity (positivity is a new word I just made up) you have shown me in the comments I've received and how that reflects with a level of positivity on your race as a whole. Now, there has been some speculation of the planet of my origin but I assure you, I'm just as human as anyone else. But, if somehow I was, I'm sure your government would find a way to tax me and burden me with bureaucracy so I would fit in with the rest of you and your kind. But, I repeat, but, I am not an alien and I'm not really sure how such rumors get started. First of all, if I was, and I deny such allegations with a fervor beyond fervors, would I unmask myself within my cloud of obscurity, by writing a public blog using some inconsequential name such as Rueuhy? Why would anyone even come to this conclusion? It sounds pretty petty and conspiratorial. Actually I'm really shocked a guy like me could even be considered to be some other race or species such as some intergalactic visitor who just wanted a vacation in this quadrant of the galaxy. How dare you? I'm not accusing anyone specifically but really?? That's the level of respect you all have? Does it make you feel like you're better than me? For the 99.9999% who would never, ever, label me in such a way for your entertainment, I apologize for this post. But for that 0.00001% who feels the need to label me, well, let me just say I'm sick of being treated this way and I may just leave your little planet and go back. But that's what you want, isn't it? I take the time to learn a language you can understand, work hard, try to give back a little to society, and this is how you want to treat me? But I digress ... I really just wanted to say thank you for the kind comments. And for those of you who post them on "My New Website" post, can you please make a referral to other posts you were reading when you posted to "My New Website"? I would greatly appreciate it. And to you, Mr. Anonymous, who just can't let the whole "he must be an alien" thing go, I assure you my blood's as red as yours, sir. It's as red as yours. My name is Mr. Rueuhy and I approve this blog.
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