What if .... That's a question I ask a lot. What if there was a pill that could control a person's natural cooling ability with their sweat glands that would allow for natural cooling without the over-production of sweat? Would the need for most air conditioning stop? Air conditioning isn't the only area my thoughts dwell. Awhile back I thought "What if you could touch the front of your refrigerator and the glass in the doors would go from dark to clear so you could see what was inside without ever having to open the door. That was ten years ago. I even contacted a invention oriented company about the idea. I didn't have $400 at that time so it never was initiated. A few months ago I read that a company in Japan was working on such an idea. Not only would you be able to see inside, the glass would be a display with a screen that would show you the temperature and menu options for what you had in the refrigerator. The "what if's" in life always come back to bite me when I realize how much potential money I could have had if I got off the couch and got in the garage and started tinkering. The ideas just come to me and I'll tell people about them. "Oh neat" they'll tell me. "You should really do that." they'll tell me. But time is the enemy. And who really needs to see inside their refrigerator anyway. It'll probably cost $5000 or more and only be available at Best Buy or Sears. But life is filled with the backward looks at the "what if's". What if I wouldn't have stolen that car and gone for the joyride Tommy asks himself as he sits incarcerated while his friends are finishing college. Or what if I would have just told Tommy "no" that night and I wouldn't have been raising Jimmy on my own while his no good for nothin' father sits in prison for auto theft Susie asks herself. Yes, we all linger on the what if's too long at times. The truth is you are exactly who you should be. When you think about it you would probably make the same mistakes again. Because you are not who are now when you had to make those choices. You did what you did and now the what if's are just you're way of trying to feel better about yourself. There's a famous song you'll hear in the future that I'm about to write soon. I'm gonna be pretty rich and famous and a part of me is going to regret not putting that song up somewhere so that I couldn't find it. But for now I still feel that I should but I just hope I'm not right about regretting the fame and fortune in a few years. But I'll deal with it then. For now I still have to finish writing it. But it is really going to be good. So good, in fact, most people will remember me for that one single song than anything else I ever do in the future. But I just can't seem to stop myself. And when I'm 64 I'll probably do the what if and ask myself what if I never wrote that song, got famous, my wife never left me, and my kids still liked me. That's kinda how the what if works. My name is R (the artist formerly known as Rueuhy) and I approve this blog.
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