What if? What if the President, Congress, Governors, State Legislators, and anyone else suddenly declared a war on error? What if, in a joint session of all those who "lead" us, gathered together and made a new declaration? The declaration would go something like this - "My fellow residents, legal and otherwise, as the leader of the executive branch of the federal government, it pains me to come before you with this testament of failure. I'm human just like you are which may go against any god-like status bequeathed to me by our country's media branches. I make mistakes and I make errors just like you. I will try harder to be better and I have been authorized to give you, citizen and non-citizens, this promise from all other leaders in this country - We will do better to serve you, our employer. We understand, after many missteps and errors, countless waste of revenue and effort, that you're tired of us just spending and demanding more constrictions on your freedoms and lack of direction, in a logical and fundamentally constitutional right, to live your lives as You see fit. We get it. You don't trust us and why should you? We've been doing a really crappy job and you deserve better. For the past 237 years we've gone down a path that has seen greatness and evil go hand in hand. You should be able to trust us but we have abused that trust and power bestowed upon us by the constitution ratified so long ago. So, we, in an effort to regain your trust and respect offer to you the following restitution deserving of a republic such as ours. First, we offer a sincere and deep apology to every man, woman, and child living in this country in the present and in the future. We have burdened you with a price tag on our ineptness and greed. When we saw the opportunity to extort and pillage from the coffers of the U.S. Treasury we did. When we passed laws to merely draw loyalism from groups pandering with overpaid lobbyists, we did you wrong. When we entertained governments extorting money from you, the taxpayers and revenue contributors of our country, in an effort to realize a greater extent to our own power and needs in the eyes of the world, we were derelict in our duties that we should have held dear but laid refuse similar to body waste of our own making upon those duties. We were wrong and we are sorry. We have taken a privilege such as the democratic method of voting and created an industry infused with the most corrupt lawyers and celebrity political activists and created a circus mentality that even circus employees would find shameful and unprofessional. We have filled the coffers of election campaigns with hard earned money from contributors who couldn't really afford it and from ultra-wealthy stakeholders alike who could, with little regard to the shameful lust and greed displayed for the world to see. We have shamed this country and the people we represent in our quest for more power and prestige. We are sorry and ask your forgiveness. On this day, September 12th, we ask this forgiveness and declare a new war on error. An error in ideology and political correctness. A war on ourselves when we show lack of fortitude in our convictions and hold the trust of the American people for ransom while kidnapping the future success of the children of the children who live now. We promise to do better. We are, with judgement upon us, only human. And we declare a new era of rationality and frugality not seen in our country for a lengthy period. We will do better. Let's hope that this war will see us to a better day bound in the promise of liberty and justice for all." My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.
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