Sunday, May 26, 2013

The longest runway

In my mind a creative force reckons with a factual mindset. For me I love technology and dreaming of the what if's. But there are parts of my brain that isolate the crap that goes beyond imagination and creativity and I file it away under impossible. Then there are the files that go beyond impossible. It's kind of like the "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" bin. The kind of stories in movies or clips in videos that require me to dig into that bin and take a look so that the whole premise will pass muster and I'll be entertained. So, how important is it for me to be entertained? That's the question. I do like to be entertained. I enjoy a good movie or tv show or youtube video. But it's not so vital for me that I put my brain on hold and allow myself to drop several i.q. levels so that something will make sense to me. This seems to be occurring at a high rate in the movies coming out of Hollywood (and elsewhere). If the premise is so beyond reason to begin with then I'm okay to allow my creative mind to ponder a possibility. Such as the case in the recent Oblivion movie. Our world had been destroyed in a world war with aliens. Ok. No facts to back up any of the story. It was a sci-fi movie. I can go in to the movie and allow myself to journey to another time in the future and see the what-if's. I'm really ok with that and I love the possibilities. Then there are the movies like Life Of Pi. There's no way an island was filled with lemurs and eats it's inhabitants. But it was a fantasy movie with a really good story line and great visual effects. Really liked it. Then there are the thriller adventure type movies. No, a man can't jump from 20+ stories and somehow fly/maneuver through the air and hit the top of a car with his back into it and not suffer internal damage. Unless you're Bruce Wayne. But it's ok because he's a superhero. You want him to be ok. You want to know that some men are beyond mortality. But then there's the "jumping the shark" moments when you either shut your brain down and forget all of the rules of physics and allow a movie to feed you a huge line of manure. This recently happened in the newest installment of the action packed thriller (there were probably 45 minutes of action and several moments where I dozed off) Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious 6 has fast cars. It had those moments where the cars were going fast. And occasionally every car was flipping over and crashing. Then there were the moments where the cars were revving their engines and then they were going fast. But there where several moments where I closed my eyes just before stupidity closed in. (Warning!! The following is a movie spoiler but does it matter?) Van Diesel leaps from his car on the interstate (actually he's propelled forward from his car as it crashes) and flies across an open space of interstate that's suspended several miles up from the earth and catches in mid-air the love of his life as she's propelled off her tank as it get stopped from dragging a car on a wire that gets caught between the supports of the interstate. As he catches her in mid-air air he continues across the open (mile high) meridian and lands on top of a car that had stopped moving at just the right speed. (I forget things such as if the car was stopped or moving but my brain had stopped functioning at this point.) As the two look crazily at each other they get up as if they just tripped on the sidewalk or something. I believe I actually closed my eyes before they landed because I knew exactly what was gonna happen and my brain just couldn't take any more stupidness. It was beyond the realms of possibility and I just couldn't do that much more impossibility to my brain. That was one of many impossibilities that the movie wants us to forgive so that we'll be "entertained". There are moments such as two men fighting on top of a freight car careening down the tracks going over 60 miles an hour that we can forgive because somehow it is possible. Then there are the movies which have us believe that the human body can endure fist fights that seem to last 20 minutes and suddenly the fatigue catches up to them all though the first two minutes should have done them in. We can forgive these scenes because they enhance the story/adventure and add the thrill in thriller. Or there will always be that moment when little Johnny (who should have died somewhere between the opening credits and 15 minutes into the movie)gets the magic cure that saves his life and we see the happiness that follows because it would have been too sad for Johnny to have died at such a young age and now the mother and the stranger (who's fallen in love with the mother and now loves the son)can start their new lives together. The mother and the stranger met on the bus or at the bus stop or she spilled coffee on him as she was waiting on him at the restaurant where she makes minimum wage but somehow her son is able to stay in the hospital for months waiting on "the cure" to happen. It's all so far fetched but we allow it. It's for our entertainment so we forgive them for lying to us and pushing the boundaries of our creative processing. But please don't push a 25 mile long runway on me. (Warning!!! Another spoiler for Fast and Furious 6 that doesn't really matter because you know there cars are just too fast to lose.) So, the last car chase begins down a long runway. A runway that stretches from the airport and goes 20+ miles across flat land without hills or waterways or animals or trees or villages or convenience stores. For 15 minutes these cars are racing down the runway and the plane just can't take off. This cargo plane filled with a couple of cars (one drives off the plane and it's still too heavy) and some wooden cases and some plastic cases. But don't add the weight of a couple of grown men. That's just too much weight. So, the plane keeps taxiing down the runway. At full speed. For 15 minutes. Towing several cars on wires. And being shot at with canonized wire launchers. And no one trying to shoot the tires. Or the cars are not fast enough to get ahead of the plane to shoot the pilots. Or no military intervention from the military who are the ones who have lost the "CHIP!!!!!!". Nope. Just a cargo plane going at full throttle with a bunch of cars following it going at full throttle for 15 minutes. Down a perfectly flat runway without any lights. At night. At some point my brain gave up and I just hoped my soda would out last this final scene. At least a few lucky ones could jump from the cargo hold of the plane several hundred feet above and land squarely into the jeep running at a constant speed under the plane and they land perfectly into the back seat. And only after 15 minutes of going down that runway. But perhaps the most unbelievable part was the end scene where the girl who was living in paradise with van diesel just walks away when the she realizes that the other girl with amnesia should be the winner and so what if they were living in seclusion on a remote tropical paradise. He did love her first and the poor thing does have amnesia. So what if she had everything. After all, she's a cop before anything else. And that's where I was pronounced brain dead. Yeah, I could possibly believe a guy leaping off a crashing car and catching the girl in midair several hundred feet off the ground and crashing into the other side of the interstate onto the windshield of a car. Yeah, I could possibly believe a 15 minute runway and the ultimate ball of fire as the plane immediately explodes and is fully engulfed and of course the hero walks through 2000 degree flames. But you honestly believe I would believe a woman living in paradise would just walk away to her cop "family" and let him continue on with the girl who is suffering from full amnesia? I can only take so much. My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

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