Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Gold Bar With I.O.S. 7 And KMART Christmas Layaway

They did it again.  They changed everything.  Again.  That's what I thought watching CNET's video on the new Apple Touch i.d. technology on the Home button on the new iPhone 5S.  I have gradually pulled away at my fondness for Apple products over the years but that doesn't mean I can't be impressed by their innovation. red The idea that simply touching your finger to the home button to unlock your phone with your individual thumbprint/fingerprint is innovative.  And I really am impressed. red  I say this sincerely and un-apologetically.  I had heard rumors but when I watched the video that Apple put out for their conference I was ... excited.  I won't buy a iPhone 5S for myself but I can see this new feature on the hardware side to be a selling point for anyone who likes the idea of locking their phone but hates entering a password or allowing a face scan to unlock their phone. red  The initial reviews by other companies is a little short-sided.  "They're not being very innovative."  or "It looks just like the iPhone 5 - really Apple?"  But I compare these salvos to the promotional interviews you hear between two contestants before a prize fight.  Because if I'm right, and I have a history in that area, Apple will have a huge winner with the iPhone 5S. red  Now, their cheaper version, the iPhone 5C will see some sales but why would someone who's gonna pay $99 for a new phone not pay another $100 for the better one?  With Touch i.d.?  Because, their friends are going to. red  And their grandparents are going to.  And their friend's friends are going to.  And there's the new "gold bar" iPhone which is probably going to be the new bling standard in music videos. red  I may be wrong (I have a history of that as well) but I have a feeling.  Marketing will be strong and the consumers will feel pushed and frantic to upgrade.  "I can't believe I'm using this two year old technology!! I NEED i.o.s.7!! red  I need the A7 processor chip.  I NEEDDDDD!!!!"  Kids will literally set Christmas trees on fire if they see a cheap $500 android peace of crap in that phone box when what they really wanted was "the gold bar". red   In this day and age it really does boil down to marketing.  red  Did we really think Apple would lie down and play dead when Samsung presented the new and totally innovative Samsung Note III?  Millions will be spent on advertising and product placement with outlets in electronic sales such as BestBuy. red  Ever notice when you click on a website or do a search and suddenly THE IPHONE screams at you?  If I was to guess, and I do that for my own entertainment, the average person will see the new GOLD BAR at least 5 times every day if they leave their house or turn on their computer or look at their mobile internet on their phones. red  Why would a clearly superior phone (and that's my opinion - not scientific fact) such as the HTC One get beaten in sales by the Samsung Galaxy IV? red  Some do prefer Samsung and their presentation of Android on their phones.  But to those who had no prior prejudice towards Samsung or HTC, many chose the Samsung flagship phone.  And it boils down to marketing, product placement, and advertising. red   If you look at AT&T's website and look at the smartphones for sale, you'll notice Samsung and Apple head the list and after doing a long search you'll see the HTC ONE.  (I present this evidence from the perspective of looking at upgrades on my account and a regular shopping search may prove different but I doubt it.) red  Or if you go to Best Buy's website you'll notice on their home page Samsung and Apple as the two most blatant choices for you. red  I don't know if these companies actually pay or give a little kickback for these placements for their products but it sure seems obvious to me.  If you could isolate twenty people from all advertising and just let them choose between the three phones I'm sure there would be interesting results. red  Can you imagine if you could test this theory on a 100,000 potential phone buyers? red  To actually give them no prior marketing or advertising and let them choose based upon choice alone?  Now consider KMART and Christmas layaway in summer.  Yes, that's right. red  They've already started.  And word on the streets is Walmart will start pushing for Christmas crowds soon. red  The only thing I can say is "STOP IT!!!"  I used to enjoy Christmas.  I don't believe in passing frivolous laws but this may be one area that I make exception. red  It just gives one the feeling that they're behind when they're actually ahead. red   So, in summary - you will buy an iPhone Gold Bar.  And you will start your Christmas shopping while you sweat from the summer heat.  And for some reason you're thinking of red.  Aren't you?  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

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