Monday, January 13, 2014

The ultimate question for my readers probably concerns communication with me.  "How can I talk to this guy and tell him how wrong he is?"  or  "I wouldn't mind bearing this guy's children - wonder if there's some kind of fee?"  or  "Why isn't there some kind of link so I can donate money to Rueuhy's paypal account?"  or  "I'm intrigued by his viewpoints and I really wish I could find out who supply's him his weed."  Well, the wait is over.  After being inundated with massive amounts of comments that I cannot possibly answer personally, I have decided to further increase my workload/enjoyment with an actual email you can personally contact me by.  And the best thing is it's free.  For a limited time you can email me using the following short and easily memorable email address and I will do my best to decipher your ramblings:  And for an extra bonus I will personally answer your email.  I do ask a couple of things before you do.  One - please convert any questions to English for this is actually the only language I know.  Second - please refrain from any abusive or derogatory comments against myself or any other members of my staff  (my mom and my wife both hate when I refer to them as my staff but I pay them too well for them to argue with me.)  And that's it.  If you're curious to find out more about me (such as my real name - Rue uhy) or my social security number - #867 530 9, feel free to ask.  I may not answer truthfully and more than likely I will make you suffer for your inferior intelligence but the choice is yours.  I'm obviously kidding about "your inferior intelligence" and "making you suffer" but hopefully you have a feel for my whimsical sense of drama and will just chock that up to rueuhyness.  So, once again, that email address is and it's free for a limited time.  If you do want to make a donation or just want to send me gifts, I will provide contact information to make that happen.  If your haven't picked up on my email address yet, please look at the title of this post and hopefully the clouds will part and suddenly the world will feel a little bit smaller.  Thanks to all of you for all the fun filled comments and I actually do hope to hear from some of you and hopefully it is in English.  Thanks, respectfully, sincerely, with love, and with fondness, My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.  If you would like to contact me please email 

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