Monday, July 1, 2013

Help Me! She's Doing That Thing Where She Talks!

Admit it.  If your a man reading this post your already snickering.  And, if you're a woman you've already started telling the gal you're sitting with what a pompous butt head this guy must be who's writing this.  It's the self-preservation mode that woman instinctively go into and men are the reason for it.  Both sides are guilty.  For years men have been trying to get their female counterparts to summarize.  In turn, woman, in their instinctive grasp to explain why the color of something is important will use even more words to defend their position.  We are instinctive creatures.  We've developed certain coping methods in our roles as men and women.  And it is neither the fault of the man or the woman.  (Guys, I'm just saying that so the women don't get all mad and do that head shaking thing and say stuff like "Oh, no he didn't!!" and "He's just like all the other jerks.")  It all goes back to early days when men would hunt and kill (not a lot of talking involved) and women would have to tie ropes around their children's waists and wonder into the forest to gather berries and other supplies.  The women would have to teach the children so their lives were filled with explaining everything.  Even to this day, young and childless ladies will instinctively go into berry hunting mode at Macy's and feel the need to explain something to someone or conduct endless chatter on the phone because that is who they are.  It's genetic.  Men, who spent centuries being quiet so the prey wouldn't hear them, find it difficult to engage in the everyday subtle art of conversation.  But, we do instinctively find the need to explain the size of things.  ("Burt, the bear must have been 8 foot tall.  His claws were the length of a man's hands and he must have weighed over 400 lbs."  "You're a liar Carl.  That was a squirrel.")  It's the way we size up the competition.  Just listen to the difference when a woman buys a new car and a man does.  The woman - "Yes, Janice.  It's got the prettiest little pattern sewn into the upholstery and the color is a rosey pink.  And the glove box has enough room for a baby bottle and my purse."  The man - "Yo, Jake.  You got to check it out.  350 ponies under the hood with a 1/4 mile under 5.3 seconds.  It's got a 6.3 liter, 24 valve overhead cam engine.  It'll beat anything this side of the tracks."  And the funny thing is it's the same car.  We do see things differently and that's just the way it is.  But, with that being said, there is nothing in the human rule book  that states that men and women can't learn to look through their counterparts eyes and view the world from their perspective every once in awhile.  And it happens.  We see it working effectively in healthy relationships.  The woman will try to understand (or may even like engines more than her husband) and the man will listen to the woman (even to the point of becoming an interior decorator).  But let's not forget who we are. The reason we are the predominant species on the planet is because the genders understand who they are or at least instinctively act in a way that benefits the species.  What is going to kill us off faster than anything is the ongoing confusion our society is allowing in swapping roles or trying to be what we are genetically not.  It confuses the crap out of the offspring.  Men and women will fight because there is a healthy difference between the sexes.  The troubling part is watching men become women and women applauding.  We are doing ourselves in as a race and everyone seems to be patting each other on the back and yelling equality.  We are not equal.  Men are superior at killing bears and women are better at picking berries and teaching their children the names of the colors.  That is who we are.  Deal with it.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

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