Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The History Books

In the year 2563 students in high schools, if such a thing exists then, will be studying the history of civilizations and will read in fascination about an empire known as the United States Of America.  They will read in awe how a once great power was done in by it's own undoing.  A country which started out in such an honorable and brave way and fell to its own weaknesses and cravings in the delusion of self-empowerment and enlightenment.  There were many who kept quiet and watched the country they loved implode upon its inability to overcome political correctness.  They watched in awe the level of corruptness that infiltrated the local, state, and federal governments and shook their heads and said, "That's just how it is."  The talented were lifted into levels of idol worship in sports, music, writing, entertainment, and other fields that decried foul but the people forgot their first true love and delved into the evilness that crept into their lives and anchored itself.  They were too busy with their technology and self-awareness to ponder how much control it really had over them.  They held hope in their own limited abilities and mistook their loudness as a voice of reason and sobriety.  They mistook their own sense of reason and conscience as a guide when it had been compromised by the voices of celebrity.  Too busy with the rat race to recognize they were chasing the rats and the rats were chasing them.  Yes, the children of tomorrow will shake their heads and ponder how stupid we had become with such an accelerated potential for understanding.  With the greatest leaps in technological advances in every field but we allowed the destruction of our greatest country/power due to our inability to just say no.  And with the downfall of the United States the world watched in fascination as one world power collapsing created a vacuum so huge that many other world powers imploded upon themselves.  It was a time of upheaval but also a time of celebration.  For out of the greatest collapse, in the recorded history of man, came the greatest chance to rebuild our future.  So the people took power over themselves and learned to lead themselves without governance.  The ability of a single man or woman to control the life of another was found to be the greatest danger the world had.  In the following years the world would learn to govern itself on founded merits rather than the dictation of one over many.  Rural areas became a gravitational force.  Urban dwellings were disbanded and simplicity became the norm. The people understood, perhaps had forgotten but finally remembered, that the greatest power we could achieve as a people was a better understanding of unions between people rather than hierarchy.  What was once sought after such as a name or money or wealth became the unpopular.  The human race had finally figured out that greed for that which was obtainable also meant the destruction of the singular and the many.  The students of the future will look back upon us and shake their heads for it will seem so foreign to them in simple terms. The "we" is our most valuable asset we have.  No property, coin, or resource is more valuable than two hearts combined.  But the world was a different place back then.  It only took the collapse of one empire to save the many.  And a world was reborn.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog.

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