Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Much to my shock and dismay, I received a fan letter the other day.  I went something like this:  Dear Rueuhy, I have been a fan of yours for a few years now.  It seems I have 3 speeds.  Low, medium, and high. Is it possible for you to use something besides high all the time?  I know you like the force of the air on your face and it's cheaper than air conditioning.  But really?  All the time?  Thank you, signed Your Fan.  I guess even appliances have feelings. Everyone has feelings. Why just the other day I found out the girl at the checkout lane at Walmart has feelings.  But she did put my pre-packaged bag of peaches on the bottom of the bag with can goods on top.  How was I supposed to know she would cry just because I threw them at her. Yes, they did splat all over her cash register but I think she did start it.  Anyway, everyone's got feelings. And opinions.  For instance, some people feel just because they drive a patrol car, wear an officer's uniform, carry a ticket holder, sit there alongside the freeway, and have a pen, that that gives them the right to follow me. And shine bright lights at me.  And then chase me for 15 miles.  And call his buddies who happen to have the same items.  And then run me off the road.  In his "opinion" I should be "locked up and have the key thrown away".  I think what he actually said was "the key thrown away, take the trash can, incinerate it, transport the ashes many miles out into the ocean, and thrown overboard".  Touchy, touchy.  Opinions.  Everyone's got one.  Or two.  Or many.  But I digress...  Because that's what I do.  If you look up "digressing" in the dictionary, at the library, where they still have a hardcopy of a dictionary, printed back in 1982 with that nice imitation leather binding, you'll see an image of an infant and a typewriter.  Under the image of the infant with the typewriter you'll see the headline - Rueuhy digressing, reprinted with permission by the mother of Rueuhy at the cost of $5.  Dictionary's are so weird.  Filled with words and pictures of me. In fact the definition of a dictionary is "the expressed consternation of Latin people using symbols and shortened phrases which allow the explanation of a word."  Strange, no? Anyway, thought I would go with a little humor but I got sidetracked into piety.  My name is Rueuhy and I approve this blog. 

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